Check out these websites!
Miss Gladish's Portaportal - http://guest.portaportal.com/ngladish: We use this site in computer class as a launching pad onto the Internet. Sites are organized by subject area, topic, class activity, or webquest. I try to update as often as I can, but some sites may not still be working.
Monticello CUSD #25 - http://www.sages.us: The Monticello school district has created a website that not only showcases each school, but also contains links to documents and files of interest to parents and community members.
Kiddle - http://www.kiddle.co: If you are looking for a search engine that is kid-friendly, Kiddle is the place to start.
Bucket Fillers, Inc. - http://www.bucketfillers101.com: We will be using the philosophy of the Bucket Fillers in class this year. Check out this website to learn more about the books and ideas involved in creating an open, positive and affirming classroom.
Lincoln School's 100th Birthday - https://missgladish.tripod.com/lincolnindex.html: Learn how Lincoln School celebrated 100 years of education and learn a little more about the history of Lincoln School and its namesake Abraham Lincoln.
Interactive Technology Crossword - https://missgladish.tripod.com/technologycrossword.html: Try out this interactive technology crossword puzzle.