We are Explorers!
Students in second grade continue to explore the wonders of technology! This month students have been using a site called Newsela to practice reading articles and taking follow-up 4 question quizzes online. Students are able to use an extension called Read & Write for Chrome on Google Chrome to highlight and then listen to the article and questions as they are read aloud. Using Newsela is one way in which students are learning how to use the computer for testing purposes as they will have to do in 3rd grade with the PARC test. It also gives them additional practice in reading comprehension.
They have also been utilizing a website called Skoolbo to practice Common Core reading and math problems in a fun way. Students compete against another student from another school in 1-minute tests. The website adjusts accordingly when students struggle as well as when they excel. It will either continue to challenge them or adjust to their level so they may experience success and increase their motivation in continuing on.
In March, students will learn how to use Google Slides and will be working on compiling an electronic portfolio of their work from this year.

Last updated 2/15/2016