  We are Bucket-fillers!
We have read the book:
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
by Cathy McCloud
We are going to be bucket-fillers this year by:
1. Using our manners like saying "please" and "thank you".
2. Listening and following directions in class.
3. Using kind words that make others feel good.
4. Sharing with each other.
5. Helping each other.
Please help your student remember to be a bucket-filler and not a bucket-dipper!
We want to make good and wise choices this year.
*Bucket-dippers take away our happiness by using unkind words, not sharing, not helping, not listening, and not following directions.

Students in first grade have been learning how to use a site called Skoolbo to practice Common Core math and reading. Students must login with a username and password. Once they begin, they compete in 1-minute tests. Skoolbo adjusts student difficulty based on the student's performance. As they continue to excel, it will challenge them. If they struggle, the site will make the questions easier with the goal of increasing strength and motivation.

Last updated 2/16/2016